Thursday, December 4, 2008

Distance Education

List 5 Pros and Cons of distance education.

Pros: Time Management, Advanced Students, Students with disabilities, Location, & Availability.
Cons: Socialization, Peer experiences, Availability, Technology, & Monitoring.

How would you determine the readiness of the student to do distance education?

Distance education would take a specific type of student to be completed. There are great opportunities that lie within distance education for dropouts, advanced students, students with disabilities and even students in extreme rural areas that don’t have access to a school. Distance education would require a student who had a lot of self-guidance, and would be able to complete all required class work, as well as homework by themselves. I believe that in order to participate in distance education, students would have to be assessed by an education professional, and they would have to meet the standards to complete an online education. Portions of this assessment would be time management, studying skills, GLE’s, EALR’s and much more. Distance education is just as difficult as or even more difficult than regular education, and doesn’t allow for students to interact with other peers and gain necessary social skills.

What would you need to do to be able to teach in a virtual school?

Besides being technologically savvy, a teacher would have to be just as disciplined as the students. Time management and other skills would play a definite role in making sure the assignments were completed, tests were graded, student’s questions were being answered and much more. It would d be the same amount of classroom time, but just behind a computer. This type of teaching may work for some teachers and students, but for me, it would be a waste of time.

Overall, distance education is a good idea if students are able and willing to complete certain requirments in order to complete an online education.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Classroom Technology Reflection

In our presentations last week, there were great ideas about podcasting, and blogging. These technological resources would be great in a classroom. They would be beneficial for students because they allow students to explore portions that are not available within the actual class. I would be comfortable teaching using and blogging, but would need to research podcasting more in order to efficiently use it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Teacher Web Reflections

Describe at least 3 ways how you see the use of a class web site could be used to support your future teaching. Provide specific details for each example.

There are several reasons I would use a classroom website. I think that since the technology is available, we should use it as teachers. Students, parents, guardians and more have the opportunity to check homework, grades, lessons and much more through the class website, so it is a great opportunity to stay ahead of the class and get things completed. A classroom website would also be great because if a student was gone for a certain amount of time, or was on vacation, they would be able to visit the classroom website to obtain their assignments. Communication is always important when it comes to teacher/student relationships, so a website is a great idea because students would be able to email me if they have questions they aren’t comfortable asking in class, or even making sure they get their work done right and in time. I really like the idea of using a website and will definitely have it a part of my program!
Identify what you see as the top 2 ways students could use a class web site to enhance their learning and provide some justifications for your selections.

Students could enhance their learning by using a class website because the website could bring many different types of resources to them that they didn’t have before. Also, when students have the opportunity to roam and engage themselves in their own education, they can find many different locations for information, technology and more. A classroom website can also apply to many different types of learners. Students can engage in online games, blogs, videos, communications, digital enhancement programs and much more. By using a website, students would have the opportunity to use their particular type of learning style.
Think about the page types and features of the Teacher Web system. What do you feel where the 2 strongest features or page types within the Teacher Web system? Why do you see these as the strongest?

The two features of the Teacher Web program I really liked were the due dates application, and the Web Resources. These two programs are the strongest applications in my mind because it gives the student an opportunity to always stay on task. Knowing when assignments are due, and knowing exactly which websites would be best for research are great opportunities to succeed. By not having the websites listed for students, they could end up citing wrong information, and not staying on task by browsing the web.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Concept Mapping

What impact might the use of Concept mapping software have on student learning within your classroom? Give 2 or 3 specific examples.

Concept mapping is a great resource in a classroom because it can benefit every type of learner. Student learning is greatly affected when the classroom is adjusted to meet the needs of all the learners. Concept mapping would be great for visual, kinesthetic, tactile and auditory learners. If you were to have a subject such as a dairy farm, you could make a concept map of the dairy systems. Systems are a very important part of agriculture, and concept mapping would be a great resource. Concept mapping could also be used in connecting ideas to real situations. This is a great tool for students because they can take what they think of, and relate it back to a real life situation through a concept map.

Discuss the amount of time it may take to learn this type of application to the point where you would feel comfortable integrating it in your classroom. Do you think it would be worth the time? (you can be honest)
I love the idea of having concept mapping in my classroom. I think that if students were able to create systems through concept mapping, they would be able to relate it to many different situations. Concept mapping visually explains concepts which may be difficult for students. It also inspires students to deepen their understanding of a concept, which is a great part of learning. I would imagine concept mapping could be used in many formats and would be a great portion of a lesson. I don’t know what the exact time would be to make up a concept map, but if it was a worthwhile lesson, with great detail and meaning, I believe the time would be worth it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blogs and Wikis in Education

1. Identify and describe 3 interesting/innovative ways blogs and/or wikis are being used in K-12 classrooms.

a) Blogs are being used in classrooms not only as an educational tool, but they are being used for social networking with the teacher, which creates a friendly environment and allows teachers to "virtually" communicate with their students.
b) Wikis are being used in several different ways. I found the most innovative way that wikis are being used if for reflection purposes. Students are able to go online, read a question, and reflect on the question through their own wiki. This is a great resource because it allows students who normally wouldnt speak up in class to voice their opinion.
c) I really enjoyed the fact that education is becoming "technologically advanced." Students are able to use Blogs and Wikis to complete assignments, read up to date information, get grades and much more. This is a great resource because if a student was sick, or absent for a long period of time, they would be able to go online and retrieve their assignments.

2. Describe how you might use RSS readers/aggregators within a classroom setting.

An RSS document includes full or summarized text, plus data such as publishing dates and authorship. Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them syndicate content quickly and automatically. They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favored websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place. This would be great within a classroom because it provides up to date information on the spot for students. Students completing reports and such would be able to use this option.

3. Describe at least 2 pros and 2 cons of using blogs and wikis in education.

The first pro I would see about using blogs is the opportunities for learning at home. If a student is absent for a long period of time, or goes on vacation, they would be able to access the classroom information, which would be very beneficial for their grade. They would also be able to keep in contact with the teacher, so the teacher is informed. The next pro I would find with using blogs/wikis in a classroom is that it gives students who are shy, or soft spoken the opportunity to fully share their opinion without any punishments. Students are becoming more tech savy, so blolgs/wikis are a great addition to the classroom.

The cons I would find with using blogs/wikis in a classroom is that everything has to be up to date, and very organized. Setting up blogs and wikis takes quite a long time to set up, and maintenance could be overwhelming with other projects/assignments in the classroom. I also see a con about blogs/wikis if a student wasnt able to access the site at home. If a student doesnt have internet access at home, they would almost always have to take the time to go to the library or finish assigments in class, which can be difficult. I like the ideas of blogs/wikis, but for certain assignments. Smaller projects would be great for this, but may just end up being a time filler or waste of time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

The multiple intelligences that I am strong in are: Kinesthetic (90), and Intrapersonal (90)

Some of the core characteristics for Kinesthetic are:

Sensory – internalizes information through bodily sensation
Reflexive – responds quickly and intuitively to physical stimulus
Tactile – demonstrates well-developed gross and/or fine motor skills
Concrete – expresses feelings and ideas through body movement
Coordinated – shows dexterity, agility, flexibility, balance and poise
Task Orientated – strive to learn by doing

1. These charachteristics describe me very well. I am extremely task oriented and very reflexive when it comes to most activities.
2. Students with kinesthetic intelligences tend to be "all-around" students. They love to learn by doing, rather than read a book, but these students can also take great detail from reading. They are very responsive and express a lot of feelings.
3. My classroom will be built for every type of learner, but Kinesthetic learners get a bit of a treat. In agriculture, we tend to be more of the "hands on" type of people, so we will have a lot of those types of activities, but we will also have reports, presentations, homework and much more that will incorporate the auditory side.
4. Technologies that stimulate this type of intelligence are computers, interactive programs, tractors, GPS, green house systems and more.
5. Having knowledge and bringing my own attention about multiple intelligences to my classroom will ensure that every student will have the same opportunity to learn the material. I love to have as much "hands on" activities as possible, but that doesnt work for every student.

Some fo the core charachteristics for Intrapersonal are:

Affective Awareness – the knowledge of one's feelings, attitudes and outlook
Ethical Awareness – the setting of one's principles and moral priorities
Self-Regulation – monitoring one's thoughts, actions and behavior
Metacognition – the awareness of one's thought processes

1. I like to believe that I am very strong in the intrapersonal area as well. I seem to be very perceptive when it comes to others feelings and emotions, and I also have a great awareness of my own thought processes.

2. Students with this type of intelligence are "socially smart" people in my eyes. They are very perceptive to how others are feeling and how they are feeling themselves. I believe students in this realm are great friends and could one day become great counselors, pyschologists and more.

3. I will support this type of intelligence in my classroom by giving all my students every opportunity possible. Discussions, journals, presentations and more would be great for these students.

4. Technologies that are great for these types of students are online blogs, journals, websites, and more. Working within programs such as power point to create presentations would be great as well!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


This is the blog I created for my T&L 466 Class at Washington State University!